From the Northeast to the Southwest, Vermont always works...

From the Northeast to the Southwest, Vermont always works...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Yellowstone Trip, week one

Our journey began the morning of May 5, 2014 just after breakfast. By the time we got onto the hard road, closets and cupboards had emptied with the bouncing our Brownington dirt roads. Off to a great start!! We are better at packing and latching now.

First night in western NY, by a river
we started the experience of camping in our new Airstream.
Travel along I 80 is not remarkable other than to say.....TRUCKS and tension.

Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, more of the same. Getting flatter and  more agricultural. Wind mills and trains start to take over the views. We did meet a nice couple at the Lake Erie campsite, traveling for 3 months all over the US before returning to Montreal. We hope to connect with them again some day.

sand hill crane juv, web pic
On to Nebraska, destination Kearney, home of Cabellas. The Platte River in this region is remarkable, a braided river, never seen in the East before. From the shore at the Rowe Audubon Sanctuary nearby, we observed new birds, but unfortunately the Sand Hill Cranes had come and gone in late March. Two juvenile birds were seen on a golf course somewhere on I80 one day, so that will have to do.
Our new friends travel in a Sprinter Van. We had tour and envied the space and comfort. Our Airstream is doing well for us, no complaints.

Lake Erie sunset 
Currently we are in Broken Bow, Nebraska, stuck as it  were, due to the snow predicted for eastern Wyoming, right on our travel route. Not what we prepared for, no snow tires. It is one of the new weather events that are becoming so familiar with the New Normal weather of country. And so we stay put and explore this cattle belt, bible belt, corn belt, you name it. With any luck we can venture out monday, one week after departure and make it to Yellowstone in a couple of days.
Platte River in Nebraska


  1. Those bumpy VT dirt roads will get you every time! I guess it was a great way to test your packing skills before you made it too far down the road :) Sounds like you got all the boring parts of the journey out of the way, and hopefully by now you've reached the "good" stuff. Looking forward to reading about your adventures in Yellowstone.

    1. Thanks Amanda. Yee, we are where we wanted to be. The park is amazing. We have completed are to do list of the "charismatic mega fauna" in one day!! Listening to Greg Brown on pandora over a bowl of Wyoming made granola, looking out over the huge still snow covered mountains, is delightful.
