From the Northeast to the Southwest, Vermont always works...

From the Northeast to the Southwest, Vermont always works...

Friday, February 24, 2017

Call me Simone......

Simon on my Mind

On a very warm Feb day, I slogged through the fading snow. The sun was killing the snow as I walked.
the snow pallett
working on the design

snow is sticky

the sun feels so warm
And I got the  Tee Shirt.....!

Snow shoeing and Simon Beck

 The day I discovered Simon Beck, my life in winter in Vermont was changed forever. See what I mean in this video..... To combine fresh air, winter aerobic exercise and designs made so much sense. I started immediately. This is the story.
Starting simple with a peace sign made the most sense. However, I soon learned that even that, and maybe especially circles are actually hard to do! Taking pictures from a high point is important to get the idea of the design. This is from the balcony looking over the yard below.  Beck hikes up nearby slopes to look down on his work. They can be seen by skiers riding up the mountains as well. To see his work online, google Simon Beck and you will find many videos of snowy lakes, hills and beach as well. 

With  John's help on our snowmobile, the field became a giant figure 8 providing a firm access trail to work from. Designs were sketched on paper and taken to the field. The view from the house is not very good, but with changes in the light, the design comes into and out of view. Best we got.....

the field
Here are a few attempts.
Susan, Kenny and me

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Winter time Bridge On Line

A good way to pass the time between snowstorms is playing bridge on line with cats.
At any one time I could be playing with 8K+ people around the world. Best partners are currently from ME, PA and CA.

Deets and Woodrow